Monday, June 16, 2014

How to enable back space in putty?

Login into Putty

Don't login into sql plus

type following command

stty erase <press back space after space and hit enter>

Monday, June 9, 2014

How to get the Trace ID with Request ID

SELECT request_id, oracle_process_id trace_id
FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
WHERE request_id = &requestid; 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Check Whether a Patch is applied or not

 select *
from ad_bugs ab
where ab.bug_number = '&PatchNumber';


select bug_number from ad_bugs where bug_number='&PatchNumber';

Thursday, May 8, 2014

How to find Trace file location when you are given Trace ID

select name,value from v$parameter where name='user_dump_dest';

SELECT 'Request id: '||request_id ,
'Trace id: '||oracle_Process_id,
'Trace Flag: '||req.enable_trace,
'Trace Name:
'Prog. Name: '||prog.user_concurrent_program_name,
'File Name: '||execname.execution_file_name|| execname.subroutine_name ,
'Status : '||decode(phase_code,'R','Running')
'SID Serial: '||ses.sid||','|| ses.serial#,
'Module : '||ses.module
from fnd_concurrent_requests req, v$session ses, v$process proc,
v$parameter dest, v$parameter dbnm, fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog,
fnd_executables execname
where req.request_id = 65791130
and req.oracle_process_id=proc.spid(+)
and proc.addr = ses.paddr(+)
and req.concurrent_program_id = prog.concurrent_program_id
and req.program_application_id = prog.application_id
and prog.application_id = execname.application_id
and prog.executable_id=execname.executable_id;

Replace Trace ID with your trace ID and find the location of trace file and extract

Friday, May 2, 2014

How to set profile options to enable personalization?

System Administrator -->Profile-->System-

Ensure to set system profile 'Hide Diagnostics menu entry' to 'No' and 'Utilities:Diagnostics' to 'Yes' at the user level

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Full Forms

EBS - E - Business Suite
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning
P2P - Procure to Pay
TNS - Transparent Network Substrate
OM - Order Management
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
ASL - Approved Suppliers List
DFF - Descriptive Flex Fields
KFF- Key Flex Fields
PO - Purchase Order
SO - Sales Order
PLL - Program Link Library
COA - Chart of Accounts
MRP - Material Requirement Planning
SR - Service Request
WIP - Work in Progress
WMS - Warehouse Management Systems
RMA - Return Material Authorization
AFF - Accounting Flex Fields
PLL - PL/SQL Link Module Library
FMB - Form Module Binary
MMB - Menu Module Binary

How to Find UTL File Directory in Apps

Type the following command in SQLDeveloper or TOAD or SQL*Plus

show parameter UTL_FILE_DIR;

It displays UTL_FILE_DIR in apps

How to login to WinSCP and Putty?

The username and password of WinSCP and Putty are the same

Hostname can be the name of the host found in TNS or even you can use the IP Address as well and password is given by the DBA. Make sure the connection type is SSH and the port number usually gets defualted to 22. Save the credentials and login to the unix box.

To change the password using putty. You can use passwd command

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

New API's for Suppliers in R12

Name of Package: AP_VENDOR_PUB_PKG (apvndrs.pls and apvndrb.pls) 


This is used to create new vendors in R12

If the TCA Party ID is provided in record type, the system will validate and create the new record in AP_SUPPLIERS else system calls TCA API to create API then create records in AP_Suppliers

Use to update vendor in R12

 This is the new API to create new vendor sites in Release 12.

        This is the new API to update Vendor Sites in Release 12.

        This is the new API to create new vendor site contacts in Release 12. 

        This is the new API to update Vendor Contacts in Release 12.




Supplier Open Interface Import program is extended to create Parties in TCA when creating the suppliers based on the information in AP_SUPPLIERS_INT. If records are populated in the IBY External Payee Accounts table, then the program will call the necessary APIs from Oracle Payments to create the Supplier Bank Accounts.

 APXSSIMP -- Supplier Sites Open Interface Import Supplier Sites Open Interface Import program is extended to create Locations, Party Sites, and Party Site Uses in TCA based on the information provided in AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_INT. If records are populated in the Payments External Payee Accounts table, then the program will call the necessary APIs from Oracle Payments to create the Supplier Bank Accounts for the site. 

APXSCIMP -- Supplier Site Contacts Open Interface Import Supplier Sites Contacts Open Interface Import program is extended to create Person Parties, Contact Relationships, Org Contacts, Contact Party Sites, and Contact Points in TCA based on the information provided in AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_INT. 

New Tables in R12 Suppliers


Suppliers in R12

Supplier information in EBS is basically defined using three things

1. Suppliers
2. Supplier Locations/Sites
3. Supplier Contacts

R11 Vs. R12


Suppliers is stored in PO_Vendors
Supplier Locations/Sites PO_Vendor_Sites_All
Supplier Contacts are stored in PO_Vendor_Contacts


In R12,

PO_Vendors changed as AP_Suppliers
PO_Vendor_Sites_All is changed as AP_Supplier_Sites_All
PO_Vendor_Contacts is changed as AP_Supplier_Contacts

     The supplier sites table will store the Site account attributes per Operating Unit,
     which will default into transactions. Going forward, supplier site creation will involve
     either selecting an existing location for the supplier or creating a new location in HZ_LOCATIONS.
     The user will then have to select the Operating Unit based on the security profile,
     and enter the site attributes as they are entered today.

The existing Suppliers tables are obsoleted and renamed as: 
PO_Vendor_Sites_All_OBS and

To minimize impact on other products, views are provided with names


Important SQL Queries

select * from v$version;

-- Gives Oracle Database version + Procedural Language for SQL Release +CORE+Transparent Network Substrate+National Language Support Run Time Library Version

Select * from v$database;


Select * from all_tables;

-- table which stores tables in db

Select * from all_tab_coulmns;
-- table which gives columns of all tables

Select * from all_source;
-- Gives OWNER, NAME, Type of Object, Line and text of every object in DB

select * from all_views;

--table which gives all views in DB

 select * from all_users;

-- table gives all users in DB

Monday, April 21, 2014

How to do Conversions in a Migration Project?

1. Download all the tables from legacy systems
2. Sit with Business to decide which fields map to Oracle Directly and remove unwanted columns/tables. Note down the fields which can't map to Oracle directly. Most of them go as Descriptive Flex fields.
3. Make sure you have clean up process script ready before you do conversion, depending on the logic of the business
4. Load the data in the intermediate staging tables
5. Run the clean up process using the script
6. Generate report to functional review
7. Run the validation process
8. Use CRP 1 CRP 2 to minimize process. Try to get zero validation errors
9. You can use the 2 programs for validation a. API b. Interface table
10. Interface table program will have more control. We can use batch method in Interface which we cannot use in API

Friday, April 18, 2014

What is power shell and How can we copy output?

Windows PowerShell is Microsoft's task automation and configuration management framework, consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language built on .NET Framework

How can we copy output from PowerShell?

Select the text which you want to copy from powershell with Mouse and Press Enter button. Paste it where ever you need using CTRL+V 

Debug file, UTL and Trace File Directories

The following paths gives the way to access debug and trace directories.

However, they may vary depending on their set ups

Trace /dev2_bin/pebbles/db/tech_st/

Debug /dev2_bin/pebbles/db/tech_st/

UTL  /usr/tmp, /dev2_bin/pebbles/db/tech_st/, /dev2_bin/pebbles

Log Directory


Friday, April 11, 2014

How can I copy and compile forms?

Make sure while copying the pll files from AU_Top to local drive or vice versa from winscp make sure your Transfer Settings is changed from default to Binary.

Before compiling make sure you set environment settings in putty. Ask your DBA if it is the first time.

How to compile forms?
 For example if its custom.pll

frmcmp_batch module=CUSTOM.pll userid=apps/$pwd output_file=CUSTOM.plx module_type=LIBRARY batch=yes compile_all=special

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


If you face this issue when you click on run form button in forms builder, Start OCJ4 server and go to edit click on preferences --> click on runtime and Type your application server URL or click on reset it to default and start running the form again

Forms Builder Settings

Forms Builder
Step 1
Open WinSCP and go to AU_TOP
/<Root> à Dev2_Bin à Pebbles à Apps à Apps_st à appl à auà12.0.0.0 à Resource

Copy all PLL files to your local drive to any folder say forms

1.       You can select PLL files by right clicking on WinSCP and sort by column options and copy and paste it to your local drive
2.       Copy APPSTAND.FMB and STANDARD.FMB file as well

Step 2
I assume you have Devsuite folder in your C Drive as you have devsuite installed
Copy tnsnames.ora file to your DevsuiteàNetworkàAdmin folder in devsuite and save it.

Step 3
Open Regedit and press CTRL+F and type FORMS_PATH. There add the path of the folder where you copied the pll files from AU_TOP to the existing path and save it

Step 4
Right click on forms builder icon, click on properties and give the path of the same folder in Start in checkbox and save it.

Now open APPSTAND.FMB file and Any one pll file. You should be good if you do not face any error.

PDE - PLI018 could not find library FNDSQF

If you face this kind of error in forms open WINSCP and go to AU_TOP and copy all the pll files from resource folder to local computer and try to load it again. If you face the same error you may need to check the path of FORMS_PATH in regedit and add this folder path over there

Forms Builder
Step 1
Open WinSCP and go to AU_TOP
/<Root> Ã  Dev2_Bin Ã  Pebbles Ã  Apps Ã  Apps_st Ã  appl Ã  auà12.0.0.0 Ã  Resource

Copy all PLL files to your local drive to any folder say forms

1.       You can select PLL files by right clicking on WinSCP and sort by column options and copy and paste it to your local drive
2.       Copy APPSTAND.FMB and STANDARD.FMB file as well

Step 2
I assume you have Devsuite folder in your C Drive as you have devsuite installed
Copy tnsnames.ora file to your DevsuiteàNetworkàAdmin folder in devsuite and save it.

Step 3
Open Regedit and press CTRL+F and type FORMS_PATH. There add the path of the folder where you copied the pll files from AU_TOP to the existing path and save it

Step 4
Right click on forms builder icon, click on properties and give the path of the same folder in Start in checkbox and save it.

Now open APPSTAND.FMB file and Any one pll file. You should be good if you do not face any error.

Forms: Ora 12154 TNS: Could not resolve service name

When you face this kind of error check for your tnsnames.ora file. If it doesn't exist in devsuite-->Network-->admin folder, make sure that you keep tnsnames.ora file in the folder and check whether the tns do contain data about the database which you are about to connect

Friday, April 4, 2014

Max Vs Greatest SQL

select greatest(50,20) from dual;


select max(50,20,30) from dual;
Invalid number of arguments

select max(empno) from emp;


select greatest(empno) from emp;

List of Documents in Oracle

AP010 Executive Project Strategy
AP010 Invitation Memorandum
AP010 Session Planning Checklist
AP020 Application Overview Customization
AP020 Invitation Memorandum
AP020 Project Team Orientation Plan
AP020 Session Planning Checklist
AP030 Project Team Learning Plan
AP040 Project Team Learning Environment
AP050 Project Team Learning Events Administration
AP060 Business Unit Managers Readiness Plan
AP060 High Level Systems Overview Customization
AP060 Invitation Memorandum
AP060 Session Planning Checklist
AP070 Invitation Memorandum
AP070 Project Readiness Roadmap
AP070 Session Planning Checklist
AP080 Communication Campaign
AP090 Application to Process Overview Customization
AP090 Invitation Memorandum
AP090 Managers Readiness Plan
AP090 Session Planning Checklist
AP100 Business Process Organizational Impact
AP110 Human Performance Support Systems
AP120 Information Technology Groups Alignment
AP130 User Learning Needs Analysis
AP140 Learning Plan
AP150 User Learningware
AP160 User Learning Environment
AP170 User Learning Events Administration
AP180 Effectiveness Assessment
AP180 Invitation Memorandum
AP180 Session Planning Checklist
BP010 Business and Process Strategy
BP020 Change Catalog
BP030 Data Gathering Requirements
BP040 Current Process Model
BP050 Leading Practice Review
BP060 High Level Process Vision
BP070 High Level Process Designs
BP080 Future Process Model
BP090 Business Procedure Documentation
BR010 High Level Gap Analysis
BR020 Configured Mapping Environment Architecture and Configuration
BR030 Business Requirements Mapping Form
BR050 Integration Fit Analysis
BR060 Information Model
BR080 Business Mapping Test Results
BR100Aap Accounts Payable Application Setup
BR100Aar Accounts Receivable Application Setup
BR100Aas Sales and Marketing Application Setup
BR100Abom Bill Of Materials Application Setup
BR100Aca Common Applications Application Setup
BR100Acas Common Applications System Admin Application Setup
BR100Ace Cash Management Applications Setup
BR100Acf Common Financials Application Setup
BR100Acm Common Manufacturing Application Setup
BR100Acn Sales Compensation Application Setup
BR100Acrp Capacity Application Setup
BR100Acs Service Application Setup
BR100Acst Cost Management Application Setup
BR100Aeng Engineering Application Setup
BR100Afa Fixed Assets Application Setup
BR100Afi OPM Financials Application Setup
BR100Agl General Ledger Application Setup
BR100Ahr Human Resources Application Setup
BR100Aic OPM Inventory Application Setup
BR100Ainv Inventory Application Setup
BR100Alo OPM Logistics Application Setup
BR100Amrp Master Scheduling MRP Application Setup
BR100Aoe Order Entry Application Setup
BR100Apa Project Accounting Application Setup
BR100Apd OPM Product Development Application Setup
BR100Apo Purchasing Application Setup
BR100App OPM Process Planning Application Setup
BR100Aqa Quality Application Setup
BR100Ascp Supply Chain Planning Application Setup
BR100Ass Supplier Scheduling Application Setup
BR100Asy OPM Systems Application Setup
BR100Awip Work in Process Application Setup Document
CM010 Configuration Management Procedures
CM020 Document Index
CM020 Document Update Notice
CM030 Configuration Item Index
CM030 Configuration Item Status Record
CM040 Release Note
CR010 Project Management Plan
CR010 Project Start Up Checklist
CR020 Control and Reporting Procedures
CR040 Risk and Issue Form
CR040 Risk and Issue Log
CR050 Problem Report Form
CR050 Problem Report Log
CR060 Change Request Form
CR060 Change Request Log
CR070 Meeting Minutes
CR070 Project Progress Report
CR080 Acceptance Certificate
CR080 Client Satisfaction Report
CR080 End Report
CV010 Data Conversion Requirements and Strategy
CV020 Conversion Standards
CV030 Conversion Environment
CV040 Conversion Data Mapping
CV050 Manual Conversion Procedures
CV060 Conversion Program Designs
CV070 Conversion Test Plans
CV120 Installed Conversion Programs
CV130 Converted and Verified Data
DO010 Documentation Requirements and Strategy
DO020 Documentation Standards and Procedures
DO030 Glossary
DO040 Document Environment
DO060 User Reference Manual
DO070 User Guide
DO080 Technical Reference Manual
DO090 System Management Guide
MD010 Application Extension Strategy
MD020 Application Extension Definition And Estimates
MD030 Design Standards
MD040 Build Standards
MD050 Application Extensions Functional Design
MD060 Database Extensions Design
MD070 Application Extensions Technical Design
MD090 Development Environment
MD120 Installation Instructions
PJM01 Engagement Summary
PJM02 Project Memo
PJM03 Meeting Agenda
PJM04 Rejection Note
PJM05 Supplier Assessment Record
PJM06 Project Document Generic
PJM07 Phase End Report
PJM08 Site Visit Report
PJM09 Project Management Checklist
PJM10 Quality Management Checklist
PM010 Transition Strategy
PM020 Production Support Infrastructure Design
PM030 Transition and Contingency Plan
PM040 Installation QA Checklist
PM090 System Performance Assessment
PM130 Business Direction Recommendations
PM140 Technical Direction Recommendations
PT010 Performance Testing Strategy
PT020 Performance Test Scenarios
PT030 Performance Test Transaction Models
PT040 Performance Test Scripts
PT050 Performance Test Transaction Program Designs
PT060 Performance Test Data Design
PT070 Performance Test Database Load Program Designs
PT110 Performance Test Environment
PT120 Performance Test Results
PT130 Performance Test Report
QM010 Quality Management Procedures
QM020 Review Comments List
QM020 Review Leader Form
QM030 Audit Action Form
QM030 Audit Report
QM040 Metrics Report
QM045 Project Healthcheck Checklist
QM050 Quality Report
RD010 Current Financial and Operating Structure
RD020 Current Business Baseline
RD030 Process and Mapping Summary
RD040 Business Volumes and Metrics
RD050 Business Requirements Scenarios
RD060 Audit and Control Requirements
RD070 Business Availability Requirements
RM010 Resource Management Procedures
RM020 Assignment Request
RM020 Staffing and Organization Plan
RM025 Project Orientation Guide
RM030 Staff Training Plan
RM040 Physical Resource Plan
RM040 Service Level Agreement
RM050 Incoming Item Record
RM050 Installation Plan and Record
RM060 Assignment Terms of Reference
RM070 Equipment Fault Record
TA010 Architecture Requirements and Strategy
TA020 Current Technical Architecture Baseline
TA030 Preliminary Conceptual Architecture
TA040 Application Architecture
TA050 System Availability Strategy
TA060 Reporting and Information Access
TA080 Application Security Architecture
TA090 Application and Database Server Architecture
TA100 Architecture Subsystems Proposal
TA110 System Capacity Plan
TA120 Platform and Network Architecture
TA130 Application Deployment Plan
TA140 Performance Risk Assessment
TA150 System Management Procedures
TE010 Testing Requirements and Strategy
TE020 Unit Test Script
TE030 Link Test Script
TE040 System Test Script
TE050 Systems Integration Test Script
TE060 Testing Environment Setup Log
TE110 Test Report for System Test
TE120 Test Report for Systems Integration Test
TE130 Test Report for Acceptance Test
WM010 Work Management Procedures
KDD Key Decision Document

FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library APPCORE

FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library APPCORE

Problem :: FRM-10102: Cannot attach PL/SQL library APPCORE. This library attachment will be lost if the module is saved

Solution :: Need to add FORMS_PATH  in registry of windows.

Press Win R to open windows Run and put regedit to edit the windows registry.
and search ofr FORMS_PATH
and custom Forms and plls path in this variable


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How to do RMA?

Sales Order Screen-> Select Order type as a kind of return defined by cleint-<Mandatory field called return reason
-> select a value from LOV and Book

Do inventory receipt
Book the order status will be awaiting return

Go to Inventory Super user
Transactions -_ Receipts Query  with your order Number
Select the return line and save it-> order gets closed

Check onhand quantities table 

How to copy a Workflow Process in Oracle Workflow Builder

Open the Workflow builder and select the process which you want to copy.
Click on CTRL+C and Press CTRL+V
Change the internal name, display name and description and add required functions.
After working there save to Database


We can't add a new field using forms Personalization. If you have to add a new field which already exists in table, the customization should be easy. It takes few days to complete the issue 

APP-WIP-25023 You must define parameters for the Work in Process Module

When you go to WIP Module and expand discrete and click on discrete jobs, you may face this issue. It means the organization is not set up. Press CTRL + L and select an organization. Then you should be goof and the form opens when you set the organization. CTRL+L usually opens Form Functions

Error in Workflow ORA-04061: existing state of has been invalidated

Working with workflow gets tough when we get errors which are hard to debug. I am working on a workflow yielded error as mentioned above. Everything is right about package.

First Thing to Check
1. Whether the package is Valid or not and it is in Valid state

Reason for the Error
As I am modifying a workflow, it works well for certain instances. When I modify the package and recompile it, I am facing similar issue. Recompilation of package spec/body called through workflow is the main reason for this error. This happens because workflow fails to look at the new status of the package after compilation and it looks at the old data


1. Get your DBA to bounce the instance
2. Restart the notification mailer and Service Components
3. Kill Active Sessions of workflow and drop the package and recompile it then force reload your workflow in the database

How to connect to Oracle Workflow Builder?

After installing Oracle Workflow Builder, you can click on file and open. You will see a similar screen

1. Click on Database and user would be apps
2. Password would be same as password for database
3. Connect would be instance such as Dev2
4. You can leave the Effective as blank
5. Click on ok and select the require workflow and start using it

Friday, March 28, 2014

Unable to drag anything in Workflow Builder

When you allow modifications on customized objects, some times it doesn't allow you to customize objects in workflow Builder. In such cases, click on help and then click on About and then decrease the access level to zero and you should be good to customize objects, add functions and whatever

Thursday, March 27, 2014

SQL Query to find Legal Entity, Org ID

Select a.organization_id, a.organization_code, a.organization_name, 
a.operating_unit, OU, a.set_of_books_id, LEDGER,
a.legal_entity, LE_NAME
apps. xle_entity_profiles c,
apps. gl_ledgers d
Where a.operating_unit=b.organization_id
AND d.ledger_id=a.set_of_books_id;

Conversion Documents

List of Conversion Documents 
CV40 - Funcational Document (Prepared by Funcational Consultant)
CV60 - Technical Document (Preapred by Technical Consultant)
CV70 - Test Plan Document (Preapred by Technical Consultant)
CV120 - Installed Conversion Programs(Preapred by Technical Consultant)

Label Tables in Oracle

Label tables in Oracle


Pricing Tables


List of Installed Modules in your Company

SELECT a.application_name,a.product_code,
DECODE (b.status, 'I', 'Installed', 'S', 'Shared', 'N/A') status, 
FROM apps.fnd_application_vl a, 
apps.fnd_product_installations b 
WHERE a.application_id = b.application_id
and b.status='I'
order by product_code asc;

Java Installation Errors

Error 1723. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.

If you ever face this issue while uninstalling Java. Download Microsoft fix it and then run it. Using fix it, uninstall the program.

How to Remove Oracle Manually Without Installing New OS?

Removing Oracle from computer completely is always a pain. Before going to the steps, I will provide some clarity what to remove why to remove?

1. If you have SQLDeveloper and if you don't have Oracle client and if you are connecting server database you don't have anything related to Oracle installed in your PC
2. If you have any Oracle client installed in your laptop and if you are connecting the TOAD through that oracle client to your local database then Oracle client is installed and you have to follow the steps below

The database version of your Server may be different from the database version of your local database. You can know the version of the database using the SQL Query
select * from v$database;

Step 1: Stop all Services

Go to Control Panel --> System and Security --> Administrative Tools --> Services and stop all the services starting with Ora or Oracle. To stop all you need to do is to right click on service and stop the service.

Step 2:  If you have Oracle already installed in your PC. Don't delete any folder manually.

Click on Windows button and in the search bar type Oracle Universal Installer. There pops up oracle Universal Installer and there will be a button called Deinstall products. Click on that and select all the Oracle components to uninstall. Uninstall them completely and also uninstall Oracle home

Step 3: Manually Remove Folders

In the drive where you installed Oracle remove following folders
1. App folder
2. Oracle folder in program files
3. Oracle folder in program files 86
4.  If OCI.dll is not getting deleted follow my previous post on how to delete OCI.dll

Step 4: Removing Patches from Regedit

Click on Windows + R and type regedit and registry will be opened
Press Control + F and type Oracle and click on find and delete every oracle field in registry
Press Control + F and type Ora and click on find and delete every oracle field in registry

Step 5: Remove everything from Recycle bin
Remove every thing from Temp folder
Remove every thing from %temp% folder
Remove every thing from recent folder
Delete all shortcuts and clear recycle bin as well.

Reboot the machine and you are good to install new copy of Oracle

If you still face issues after doing all the issues try downloading Oracle Developer new version...

Invalid Object in Instance

How to check for Invalid Objects in an Instance?

select object_name, object_type from dba_objects where status = 'INVALID' order by object_type, object_name;

What should I do?

Forward the issue to the DBA if you are a developer. Subject of the E-Mail would be Recompile all the forms. In most of the cases invalid objects may occur due to no apparent reason. DBA should recompile all forms for every 3 days or so

What DBA Should do?

using adadmin,
- 1. Generate Applications Files menu
- 2. Generate form files
- Enter the number of workers [4] :
- Do you want to generate Oracle Forms objects using this character set [Yes] ?
- Do you want to regenerate Oracle Forms PL/SQL library files [Yes] ?
- Do you want to regenerate Oracle Forms menu files [Yes] ?
- Do you want to regenerate Oracle Forms executable files [Yes] ?
- Enter list of products ('all' for all products) [all] : ont
- Generate specific forms objects for each selected product [No] ?
- Enter list of languages ('all' for all of the above) [all] :
- You selected the following languages: US
Is this the correct set of languages [Yes] ? 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How to delete OCI.DLL file?

When you have Oracle Client Home 11 and you already deleted Oracle Universal installer you cannot delete client home using Oracle 10G Oracle Universal Uninstaller. This is the error which you will face:

"some of the components you selected cannot be deinstalled because they were installed using oracle universal installer please use oracle universal installer version or higher to deinstall these products"

Then you have to delete the client home manually. Check for Oracle Folders in Program Files and Program Files (86) and delete Oracle folders. Some times OCI.DLL cannot be deleted. Then you cut the OCI.DLL file and paste it on desktop. Remove the app folder and then reboot your computer and then delete the file.

What is Party?
As we discussed in earlier post, Party in CRM is different from Party in ERP. When CRM refers to customer they are referring to Party layer. When ERP about customer they are referring to Account Layer.

What is Party ID?
Each party has unique id called a Party ID.

What is an identifying address?
You can designate one address per party as an Identifying Address. A party can have multiple party sites, but each party has one identifying address. 

What is Site Number?
The number which uniquely identifies a location.
What is Party Layer?
Party layer consists of party and party’s contacts and addresses. A party is defined as an entity that can enter into a business relationship. Party can be either a single person or an Organization.
University of Houston Clear Lake (Organization)
Mr.XYZ (Person)
Parties have one or more addresses. Just like your amazon account where you have bill to address to your home and ship to address to someone’s place. Each address may have one or more uses. Party layer can exist independently without an Account Layer.

What is Account Layer? 
Account Layer consists of Account, Account addresses and Account contacts. An account is defined as an financial roll up point for a party that defines customer relationship between a party and implementing organization.
Party layer can exist without account layer
Account Layer cannot exist without party layer. Account must have only one owner which must be person party or an organization party. Account owner is responsible for the account.
Oracle says “If the entire E-Business Suite is used, the Party layer is usually created first in CRM, and then the Account layer is added when it becomes necessary. In many cases, the Account layer is added when a Party wishes to place an order.  When an Account is created, it must be linked to one and only one Party. This Party is the Account owner.

Once an Account is created, Addresses can be defined for the Account. Account Address must have a corresponding Party Address in order to exist. The corresponding Party address must be associated to the Party that owns the Account. Account Addresses are a subset of Party Addresses. Similarly, an Account Contact must first be defined as a Party Contact for the Party
that owns the Account. Party Contacts are defined through


It is a system used to store and record all the information about customer interactions
ERP focuses on business.
Used by executives to create sales projections
ERP is used to improve efficiency of business.
Goal: Provide a comprehensive store of customer data than can be used to increase sales, customer relation and make customer relations more efficient
ERP provides a method for stream lining business process across the board
Salesforce, Job Diva, Microsoft Dynamics CRM are popular CRM
SAP, Oracle and Microsoft Dynamics are popular ERP

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Various Naming Conventions of Oracle Tables

Various Naming Conventions of oracle Tables

These tables hold information of different operating units

These are the base tables in Oracle. They are important because they contain data in table with all validations. If any issue occurs on these tables, then we can see a data corruption issue.

The tables ending with _A are Audit Shadow Tables
All Audit Trail shadow tables contain certain special auditing columns. These columns include:
    • AUDIT_USER_NAME (the Application User ID, except when changes are applied using SQL*Plus, in which case it is the Oracle ID)
    • AUDIT_TIMESTAMP (the date/time when the insertion occurred)
    • AUDIT_TRANSACTION_TYPE (I for Insert, U for Update, D for Delete, L for Last, and C for Current)
    • AUDIT_TRUE_NULLS (VARCHAR2(250) column containing a delimited list of column names that have changed from NULL)
_AVN and _ACN are Audit Shadow Views 

_V tables are the views created for the base tables

Table ending with _S are sequence tables

These are the tables corresponding to same table minus _TL, they provide multi language support
Example: MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_TL resembles MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS but you will find language column, source_lang column in addition.

These are date tracked tables. They can be found mostly in HR and Payroll Modules. EFFECTIVE_START_DATE AND EFFECTIVE_END_DATE are two date columns which together with PK define a row uniquely.


_VL are the views for multi-language tables which combines row of base tables with corresponding row of _TL tables