Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Suppliers in R12

Supplier information in EBS is basically defined using three things

1. Suppliers
2. Supplier Locations/Sites
3. Supplier Contacts

R11 Vs. R12


Suppliers is stored in PO_Vendors
Supplier Locations/Sites PO_Vendor_Sites_All
Supplier Contacts are stored in PO_Vendor_Contacts


In R12,

PO_Vendors changed as AP_Suppliers
PO_Vendor_Sites_All is changed as AP_Supplier_Sites_All
PO_Vendor_Contacts is changed as AP_Supplier_Contacts

     The supplier sites table will store the Site account attributes per Operating Unit,
     which will default into transactions. Going forward, supplier site creation will involve
     either selecting an existing location for the supplier or creating a new location in HZ_LOCATIONS.
     The user will then have to select the Operating Unit based on the security profile,
     and enter the site attributes as they are entered today.

The existing Suppliers tables are obsoleted and renamed as: 
PO_Vendor_Sites_All_OBS and

To minimize impact on other products, views are provided with names


1 comment:

  1. where in the front end of po_vendor_contacts
